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Major NDIS Funding Changes Proposed: What Does This Mean For The Future Of Your NDIS Business?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No 1) Bill 2024, introduced to Parliament earlier this year, has the potential to reshape the NDIS service landscape across Australia. This Bill proposes to redefine which services qualify as NDIS supports, and by extension, which services can be paid for using NDIS funding. If enacted as law, many providers may need to substantially change their service model to continue receiving NDIS funding.

Why This Is So Critical

The proposed changes aren’t just minor tweaks — they’re a significant overhaul of the definition of NDIS supports. A draft list outlining what NDIS funding can and cannot be spent on has been released and it is essential that all providers check their services against the list to find out to what extent their services could be affected. For many providers, this could mean major disruptions to their services, operations and financial viability unless they can adapt to the changes in time. While the draft lists are still in the consultation phase and not yet law, the time to act is now. If your organisation needs to change its model, this process will take time, investment and strategic planning. There is also a small window of opportunity remaining to give your feedback about the proposed draft list.

What You Need to Do Right Now

All registered and unregistered providers of any size should immediately review the discussion paper and the draft List of NDIS Supports and assess how these changes might affect them if enacted as law, and what steps they should take to safeguard their future.

Providers still have an opportunity to contribute to the consultation process until 5 pm on 18 August 2024 by submitting their feedback through the methods outlined on the official consultation page.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about how these changes could impact your business, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us at or call 02 9199 4563 for expert guidance on navigating this critical period.

 This blog post does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. It is a general commentary on matters that may be of interest to you.  Formal legal or other professional advice should be sought before acting or relying on any matter arising from this communication.


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