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complaints commission

How to Respond to an NDIS Commission Complaint Investigation

How to Respond to an NDIS Commission Complaint Investigation

Being investigated by the NDIS Commission can be overwhelming.  Providers face a significant risk when dealing with complaints and failure to satisfy the Commission can have serious, long-term consequences. A well-prepared response often resolves the issue, however, it can be a daunting, time-consuming task. Here are our tips to get you started.

The NSW Health Care Complaints Commission Is Investigating Me: What Do I Do?

The NSW Health Care Complaints Commission Is Investigating Me: What Do I Do?

Health practitioners and health services work hard to improve the health and wellbeing of their patients. However, there are many situations that could result in you or your practice being the subject of a complaint to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (the Commission) and it is important that you respond promptly and appropriately to any complaints notification.

This article explains how the investigation process works and what you should do during this process.